Build TogetHER's joint submission to government successful

Build TogetHER's joint submission to the Ministry of Advanced Education, Skills and Training to develop programs to recruit, support and sustain women in the trades was successful.

The announcement was made by Premier John Horgan and AEST Minister Melanie Mark on the steps of the provincial legislature against a spectacular backdrop of our tradeswomen on International Women’s Day. BuildTogetHER members Amy Carr and Lisa Langevin also spoke at the event on their experiences in the trades and why we need to change the culture – now.

Now, Build TogetHER, the women’s committee of the Building Trades, the BC Federation of Labour and the BC Tradeswomen Society will partner to develop a suite of services that will improve career opportunities for women in the construction trades.

Congratulations to everyone involved! Read the full media release, and check out images from the news conference.

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