Insulator goes toe to toe with columnist
Ashley Duncan, co-chair of Build TogetHER BC, recently took issue with a column written by Black Press legislative reporter Tom Fletcher.
Read moreMeet Robyn Hacking!
Meet Robyn Hacking!
Build TogetHER BC caught up with Robyn recently to learn more about the life of a sprinkler fitter. Check out her "Norma Rae moment" - 2019 happens to be the 100th anniversary of the Winnipeg General Strike.
Read moreAnd the winner is ... HyeonLee Jeong (Kelley)!
Build TogetHER BC was honoured to present the committee’s first scholarship ever to BC Regional Council of Carpenters Local 1907 apprentice HyeonLee Jeong (Kelley) on Jan. 26.
Build TogetHER welcomes transgender members
The women’s caucus of the BC Building Trades has become the first chapter in Canada to welcome transgender people to its membership.
Read moreTradeswoman profile: Chelsea French
Name: Chelsea French
Trade: Commercial Transportation Mechanic
Union: IUOE Local 115
Main reason I selected my trade: I have always loved working with my hands and this industry found me and informed me of the opportunity to better support my family. A stable career in a set location, with set hours, and financial stability while doing something I really enjoy.
Number of women in your first trades class: 0
Favourite tool of your trade: I love all the tools ... the more the better! If I had to only pick one though it would likely be an air hammer.
It's time to think of construction as women's work
For every 100 skilled trades workers on a construction site in B.C., an average of four are women. But Sandra Brynjolfson and Julia Ballantyne are among a legion of women tradespeople trying to change all that.
Read moreA Big Sisters "thank you"
Build TogetHER's Ashley Duncan joined a panel presenting on careers in the trades at a Big Sisters of BC Lower Mainland Career Camp. We asked their permission to publish their lovely thank-you note. Way to go, Ashley!
Read moreProfile: Sandra Brynjolfson
When someone tells Sandra Brynjolfson she can’t do something, they are most often wrong.
Read moreWe're giving away money!
Build TogetHER BC is giving away money!
We're thrilled to announce our second Build TogetHER scholarship for women in the trades, thanks to the generosity of B.C. Insulators Local 118!
Read moreWe've been so busy, we forgot to write...
Members of the B.C. chapter of Build TogetHER have never seen a wall they couldn’t either build or break down!
It’s been a busy spring with presentations at Skills BC in April and at the Delta Trades and Career Fair in May. Build TogetHER BC continued on their great work in June by joining with tradeswomen inside and outside the Building Trades for a special construction project at a women’s centre in Vancouver. Women from a variety of affiliates helped with a renovation/build at the WISH Centre in Vancouver’s poorest neighbourhood, the Downtown Eastside. WISH provides a safe haven, resources and referrals for women in the street-based sex trade.
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